Come and rest and find the beauty in this suffering
That even if He slay me, still ill trust Him
He sees all my pain, my sorrow, the scars and the dirt on my hands
He saw it all and called it blessed
Surely its for my good, this anguish that I feel in my soul
Cut off the meaningless, replace with the fullfilling
Like a storm cleansing the ground, strip away all that should not be
All is not lost, the plan is building
Come and rest my child, come and find peace
A cleansing fire clears your path
My piercing sorrow is ever before You
Like watching your own child in pain
I know You long to bring me joy and blessing
Lord I'm broken, build me up
Too much darkness has my world known
There's no heart left to be ripped out
Feeling as though I'm empty
I've failed because fear overtook me
Lord, forgive me

How long, O Lord my agony suffocates my heart
Reach down and put me in your wings
Sweep all away that poisons me
Bury it in a grave
Bury it in a grave
Never once did I foresee the coming pain and agony
My heart is cut, does my blood run cold
Will I fall beyond repair, like old tales told
Sweep all away that poisons me
Bury it in a grave!
