Is that really the goal
To be so numb
That I won't feel sorrow?

As if the demands drown out the loneliness
As if I can outrun isolation
As if I weigh less than the gloom

Is that really the goal
To build a switch
To turn my tears off?
To block everything in favour of nothingness
To master how to live as loveless

In a house of empty rooms
I kneel on the floor
I plead at the walls
Please don’t let this be my tomb
If I can't remember any of this
Why am I doing anything?

At least I was distracted
At least I felt less

Oh how that is such a defeated wish
To hope for numbness
To long for nothingness
To want for anything but this

Is that really the goal
To build a switch
To turn my tears off?
To block everything for numbness
To master how to live as loveless

In a house of empty rooms
I kneel on the floor
I plead at the walls
Please don't let this be my tomb
Please don’t let this be my tomb
