Symphony of suffering in the sky
If I don't intervene, you'll never die
You should know, to help you, I'm here
I am your protection, then don't fear
I fight against the unholy demons defending your coveted soul

Don't walk in the shadows, stay strong
Fight by my side, that you will reach the paradise
Your life and your glory will arise
I'm the judge of this world: Who should stay, who should go

I decide by the name of God
My sword is in control
Pay your sins and go home
You should scream very loud by my name

My name is the redemption, the exit of this world
Last chance, remission
Be free

Where earth meets sky
Where angels fly
Where shadows hide
This place is mine

Symphony of suffering in the sky
If I don't intervene, you'll never die
I fight against the unholy demons defending your coveted soul
Don't walk in the shadows, stay strong
