Swiftly I ride through desolate plains
Travelling onward rising up above the glades
Dark preludes rage through a bellowing sky
To a crimson palace of fate, where I die

Opening the gate of the wolves
Where the light of life shall now fall
Tearing my soul from its flesh
Between my last breath and the shadows call

Figures robed in black
Lead to the corridors
And stage the play of another dimension
Chase the orchestra of screams
Tortured echoes of the fallen
Decorate creation’s end with the blood of my divine flesh

Chaos wailed from the mouths of wolves
From hellish realms our souls are reborn

Hymns choired by the damned
Churn with the storms overhead
Haunting tides toil up from the seas
And thunder across razored rocks from below

Rising over the tower’s spire
A storm weathered fate to play
Wolves abound in the glowing mist
No distance left between life and death
Bloodwinds soak and hold me close
For a taste of what lies beyond
New desire strangles mortality
Thrown to the wolves, my soul is free

Enter the gate of the wolves
