Cold north winds blow
As they bring on the seasons of change
As the falling rain turns to snow
Covering hills and landscapes
Of forests now dead
As we plan by the fireside
When we shall strike!
Take to your horses!
We ride tonight!

Under cover of the storm
So that by morning we shall arrive
As we approach the walls
We smell the fires of the night before
And without warning we take to our swords

Slaughtering them by the hundreds
We hold their heads up high
To show the others we have come
To take back our pride

Victory is ours in blood-soaked stains
Of those we trample in cold-hearted vain
The cries of the weak as they fall to their knees!

With so many of our men lost
And the death of our best night
We send out a rider, to seek
The one who could help us, Now ride!

And the prophets once told
The stories of a man
An alchemist with the powers
To raise up the dead!

No greater man has ever stood before
Me with the lift of his arm
He could summon up the dead!

Their shiny crimson covered armor
How it glistened in the wolfmoon’s
Light, In the night

Through the power of his wisdom
He turned back time Through alchemy!
