Urimare was the first cacica of Venezuela
Princess of the Mariche, daughter of the cacique Aramaipuro
She was an Indian warrior who actively participated against
The attacks of English pirates and the Spanish colonization in Venezuela

She followed Guaicamacuto's policy of peaceful negotiation with the Spanish
She was named chief of the Chaimas. She is illustrated as a courageous woman
With warrior skills, it is said that she was very beautiful, with tanned skin
Green eyes and dark black hair, and a strong build, still very
Young witnessed the Maracapana Assembly where she was
Appointed Guaicaipuro as Chief of Chiefs

Urimare was the first cacica of Venezuela
Princess of the Mariche, daughter of the cacique Aramaipuro
She was an Indian warrior who actively participated against
The attacks of English pirates and the Spanish colonization in Venezuela

Urimare was the daughter of the cacique and warrior chief Aramaipuro, lord of the feared
Mariches and her mother, a mestizo Indian. Urimare was an Indian with a rebellious spirit
At a very young age, she witnessed the Maracapana assembly where he was named
Guaicaipuro chief of chiefs figure that inspired her towards the arts of warriors, practices that she
She deserved punishment from her father

Urimare was the first cacica of Venezuela
Princess of the Mariche, daughter of the cacique Aramaipuro
She was an Indian warrior who actively participated against
The attacks of English pirates and the Spanish colonization in Venezuela

After the end of the war between the Caracas and the Spanish in 1577, due to the
Smallpox epidemic, Aramaipuro decides to emigrate with all his Mariche tribe to the east
To Cumaná, fleeing from the epidemics that plagued the valley of Caracas, and
While there, they participate by Spanish request together with the tribes of the
Cumanagotos against the invasion attempts to the eastern city, by
Of the English under the command of the pirate Walter Raleigh in 1595

Urimare was the first cacica of Venezuela
Princess of the Mariche, daughter of the cacique Aramaipuro
She was an Indian warrior who actively participated against
The attacks of English pirates and the Spanish colonization in Venezuela

Composição: Sergio Umbría