Political and economic doctrine that advocates
Media ownership and management
Of production by the working classes
In order to achieve an organization of society
In which there is political, social and
Economic of all people

But the dominant position of the public sector in the
Economy and the political hegemony of the forces of
Work and culture will ensure the progressive march
Towards the classless, egalitarian society: Towards socialism

Political and economic doctrine that advocates
Media ownership and management
Of production by the working classes
In order to achieve an organization of society
In which there is political, social and
Economic of all people. Bis

That is why for socialism to know how it is
Raised in doctrine, it must be taken into account that the
Equality is the basis of socialist doctrine, but they confuse
The term of equality, and it is social equality, that all
We have rights, but also duties, and that for justice
There can be no social classes, long live chávez!

Political and economic doctrine that advocates
Media ownership and management
Of production by the working classes
In order to achieve an organization of society
In which there is political, social and
Economic of all people

Composição: Sergio Umbría