Don Juan del dinero, is a character that is part of
On the practices of spiritism in Venezuela together with others
Like María lionza, india rosa, negro felipe, etc
He is highly sought after by his followers for help
To solve debts and other money problems

Those who beg him for him to grant them favors, through
Of prayers and prayers, don Juan of money, is a
Mystical and religious representation, which is part of the
Spiritualism practices in Venezuela, within this doctrine
He is part of the spirits of the so-called corte de los juanes

Of which other entities are also part of
They are entrusted with different missions, due to the characteristics
That these spirits possess, they are also located within the
Corte chamarrera, due to the fact that they are granted properties such as
Healers and curanderos, with extensive knowledge

About the elements of nature, you can meet others
Characters of spiritualism such as india rosa, according to the
Dogma that comprises this cult, all the entities that compose
The court of the juanes, were in the past human, including
Don Juan of money, for several years, its history has been passed
Orally and also in writing, becoming known throughout the country
And even beyond our borders, bis

Particularly, this character of don Juan of money, has acquired
Great popular devotion, for which he was baptized as the saint of the
Towns, he is represented with the image of a wealthy man, some
Times accompanied by the image of bills, coins, jewelry and gold
Symbolizing prosperity and abundance

Composição: Sergio Umbría