They took your life away
Filled your thoughts with broken promises
The sickness consuming you
Won’t take you away that easy
In and out of consciousness
Will we ever find its weakness?
Your fight to stay alive
Conviction not forgotten

You’re driven to erase
The sickness from within you
Take back what was taken
Always starting again
To give in is never the answer
I’d lie to myself thinking it would pass
To quit is not an option
You’d tell yourself again

One chance at life
Not left behind
How much of this can you take
One chance in life
No darkness in sight
The virus you’ve fought to survive

Now looking back on your life
You could’ve had the answers
Is this the way it has to be
Not knowing what comes next?
To give in is never the answer
I’d lie to myself thinking it would pass
To quit is not an option
You’d tell yourself for the last time

Hold on another day
Hold on another day
Hold on another day
You’ve so much life still left to live
