Devi Puja

Om Namaschandikaaye
Om I bow to the Goddess Chandikaa

1 Jayanti Mangalaa Kaalee Bhadrakaalee kapaalinee
Durgaa kshaamaa shiwaa dhaatree swaahaa swadhaa namostu te
Oh Goddess, you are the one who conquers all, you are the One beyond time, the auspicious One beyond time, the bearer of skulls who destroys all difficulties, loving forgiveness and supporter of the universe. You are the one who truly receives the sacrificial offerings and the offerings to the ancestors. To you I bow.

2 Jaya twam devi Chamunde jaya bhootaarti haarani
Jaya sarwagate devi kaalaraatri namostu te
Oh Goddess Chamunda, victory to you! You free all living beings from their misery. You are present everywhere, and you are the night at the end of Time. I bow to You.

3 Videhi Devi kalyaanam videhi paramaam sukham
Roopam dehi jayam dehi yasho dehi dwisho jahi
Oh Goddess, grant me liberation and supreme happiness.
Grant me freedom, victory, fame and destroy all hostility.

4 Krishnena sanstute Devi shaswad bhaktyaa sadaambike
Roopam dehi jayam dehi yasho dehi dwisho jahi
Oh Goddess, Mother of the Universe, your praise is always sung by Krishna, the Doer of All.
Grant me freedom, victory, fame and destroy all hostility.

5 Himaachala sutaa naatha sanstute parameshwari
Roopam dehi jayam dehi yasho dehi dwisho jahi
Oh Parameshwari, supreme Goddess, the Lord of the Daughter of the Himalayas(Shiva) always sings your praise.
Grant me freedom, victory, fame and destroy all hostility.

6 Devi prachanda dora danda daitya darpa winashini
Roopam dehi jayam dehi yasho dehi dwisho jahi
Oh Goddess, with your great staff you have destroyed the demons of egotism and thought.
Grant me freedom, victory, fame and destroy all hostility.

7 Patnim manoranaam dehi manovrittaanu saarineem
Taarineem Durga samsaara saagarasya kulodbhawaam
Oh Goddess, grant me a wife like you! One who will lead the family across the terrible ocean of life and death.

Devi Puja

Om Namaschandikaaye
Om me inclino ante la Diosa Chandikaa

1 Jayanti Mangalaa Kaalee Bhadrakaalee kapaalinee
Durgaa kshaamaa shiwaa dhaatree swaahaa swadhaa namostu te
Oh Diosa, tú eres el que conquista todo, eres el Uno más allá del tiempo, el auspicioso más allá del tiempo, el portador de cráneos que destruye todas las dificultades, amoroso perdón y partidario del universo. Tú eres el que verdaderamente recibe las ofrendas de sacrificio y las ofrendas a los antepasados. A ti me inclino

2 Jaya twam devi Chamunde jaya bhootaarti haarani
Jaya sarwagate devi kaalaraatri namostu te
¡Oh Diosa Chamunda, victoria para ti! Liberas a todos los seres vivos de su miseria. Están presentes en todas partes, y son la noche al final del Tiempo. Me inclino ante ti

3 Videhi Devi kalyaanam videhi paramaam sukham
Roopam dehi jayam dehi yasho dehi dwisho jahi
Diosa, concédeme liberación y felicidad suprema
Concédeme libertad, victoria, fama y destruir toda hostilidad

4 Krishnena sanstute Devi shaswad bhaktyaa sadaambike
Roopam dehi jayam dehi yasho dehi dwisho jahi
Oh Diosa, Madre del Universo, tu alabanza es siempre cantada por Krishna, el hacedor de Todo
Concédeme libertad, victoria, fama y destruir toda hostilidad

5 Himaachala sutaa naatha sanstute parameshwari
Roopam dehi jayam dehi yasho dehi dwisho jahi
Oh Parameshwari, Diosa Suprema, el Señor de la Hija del Himalaya (Shiva) siempre canta tu alabanza
Concédeme libertad, victoria, fama y destruir toda hostilidad

6 Devi prachanda dora danda daitya darpa winashini
Roopam dehi jayam dehi yasho dehi dwisho jahi
Diosa, con tu gran bastón has destruido los demonios del egotismo y el pensamiento
Concédeme libertad, victoria, fama y destruir toda hostilidad

7 Patnim manoranaam dehi manovrittaanu saarineem
Taarineem Durga samsaara saagarasya kulodbhawaam
¡Diosa, concédeme una esposa como tú! Uno que conducirá a la familia a través del terrible océano de la vida y la muerte

Composição: Krishna Das