All The Stars

They would say you were destined for greatness
And i could see it in all the faces
How they loved you, they adored you
But you would sing with a pain they never knew

All the madness was never familiar
And their affection was much too peculiar
To sustain you, to protect you
To ever save you from the pain they never knew

All the stars that fill the sky
They burn out before our eyes

All the sadness you carried inside
You never showed it, it was easy to hide
You'd tell your stories in all their sorrow
You'd take the stage like there was no tomorrow

Todas las estrellas

Dirían que estabas destinado a la grandeza
Y pude verlo en todas las caras
Cómo te amaban, te adoraban
Pero cantarías con un dolor que nunca conocieron

Toda la locura nunca fue familiar
Y su afecto era demasiado peculiar
Para sostenerte, para protegerte
Para salvarte del dolor que nunca conocieron

Todas las estrellas que llenan el cielo
Se queman ante nuestros ojos

Toda la tristeza que llevaste dentro
Nunca lo mostraste, era fácil esconderte
Contarías tus historias en todo su dolor
Tomarías el escenario como si no hubiera un mañana

Composição: Kat Maslich